New Arrivals

    Reed Diffuser 250ml

    Reed Diffuser 100ml

    Fresh Laundry Perfume

    Floral Laundry Perfume

    Oriental Laundry Perfume

    Textile Perfume

    Mini Laundry Perfume

    New Arrivals

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    About us!!!

    We are Cashmere Aroma and for more than 7 years we have been creating olfactory emotions through special laundry fragrances, made with love, passion, and a lot of skills, so that you can wear your favourite fragrances, together with your favourite clothing items. Together with a dedicated team of skilled perfumers, we have created more than 30 unique essences in refined combinations, ideal for all types of fabrics, focusing primarily on natural notes and inviting scents, meant to last for a long time, on each garment. We know that everyone is different and that your needs and wants are unique. That's exactly why we took care to launch 3 distinct ranges of fragrances for fabrics, delighting you today with both a floral concept, a fresh one and an oriental one.